Bali (Indonesien) : Légong Werbeverhalten des Königs Lasem. Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, autor
Catalogue de la médiathèque du musée du quai Branly

Bali (Indonesien) : Légong Werbeverhalten des Königs Lasem. Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, autor

  • Titres liés: Collection :Geisteswissenschaften Humanities
  • Titre de forme: Films documentaires
  • Auteur: Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenäus [1928-...]
  • Éditeur: Göttingen : IWF Wissen und Medien gGmbH éd., prod., distrib., 1984
  • Sujets: Danse -- DVD -- Bali (Indonésie);
    Musique -- DVD -- Bali (Indonésie);
    Gamelan, Musique de -- DVD;
    Dance -- Indonesia -- Bali Island;
    Music -- Indonesia -- Bali Island;
    Gamelan music;
    Films ethnographiques -- DVD -- Bali (Indonésie)
  • Notes: Cop. : IWF Göttingen, 1982
    Version en langue originale
    Tournage : Asie, Bali, 1974
  • Résumé: The part presented of the Legong dance, called Penigpuk, shows the King Lasem courting Princess Lankesari. The parts are both danced by girls, the King executing sweeping "masculine" movements and attitudes. In the course of the dance there is a more and more distinct approach of the King to the Princess, first by swaying his head (ritualized nose rubbing) at a certain distance, later on close to her head. The Princess returns this gesture, but wards off further approaches in part rather direct (pinching the thigh). Worldly natural elements are mixed in a jocular manner with a highly developed style of dancing, the dancers even attempting to overcome their human nature by emphasizing cultural behaviour and self control as men''s second nature.
  • Langue: Indéterminée
  • Date d'édition: 1984
  • Desc. matérielle: Format image : 4/3. 1 DVD zone 0 (18 min 47 s) : coul., PAL
  • mediathequeMagasin (DVD-002552 )