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Yukhíti kóy : a reference grammar of the Atakapa language. compiled by Geoffrey Kimball. from the field notes of Albert Samuel Gatschet, provided by Kišyuc and Tottokš with translated and analyzed texts and vocabulary

Kimball, Geoffrey D [1954-] 2022

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  • Titre:
    Yukhíti kóy : a reference grammar of the Atakapa language. compiled by Geoffrey Kimball. from the field notes of Albert Samuel Gatschet, provided by Kišyuc and Tottokš with translated and analyzed texts and vocabulary
  • Titres liés: Yukhíti kóy
  • Auteur: Kimball, Geoffrey D [1954-]
  • Éditeur: Lincoln NE : University of Nebraska Press, 2022
  • Sujets: Atakapa (langue) -- Grammaire;
    Ethnolinguistique -- États-Unis (sud);
    Atakapa language -- Grammar
  • Notes: Copyright : Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, 2022
    La ressource est également disponible en version numérique
    Bibliographie pages 289-291. Index
  • Contient: List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Preface Introduction 1. Phonology Orthography Phonemes Accent Phonetic processes Active phonological processes 2. The verb and verbal morphology The aorist mode Preterite mode Dubitative mode Future mode Progressive mode Subordinate mode Gerund Participle Stative verbs Negation Aspect suffixes Verbal prefixes Adjectives Adverbs Comparison of adjectives Verbal derivational processes Verb pluralization Suppletion 3. Nouns and nominal morphology Animacy Mass status Ordering of nominal morphology Nominal cases Noun pluralization Noun possession Pronouns Deictics Postpositions Numerals Noun formation 4. Syntax Ergativity Fluid-S marking Word order Locative compounds Focus Clausal complements Conjunction and disjunction Omitted inflection in coordinate contexts Relative clause equivalents Interrogative sentences Idiomatic expressions 5. Texts Text 1. Cultural and historical topics. Text 2. The Skin-desirer Text 3. Treatment of the heads of infants Text 4. Form letter Text 5. Biographical sketch of Kišmok Text 6. Notes on the family of Tottokš Text 7. Traditional treatment of disease Text 8. Traditional burial practices Text 9. A fight among Black people in Lake Charles Yukhíti-English vocabulary Appendix I Hiyékiti-English Vocabulary Appendix II Orkokisak-English Vocabulary Appendix III Kinship terminology Bibliography Index
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Date d'édition: 2022
  • Identifiant: 978-1-4962-2966-3
  • Desc. matérielle: 1 volume (XVIII-296 pages) : illustrations, couverture illustrée ; 27 cm

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