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Artistry in Native American myths. Karl Kroeber

Kroeber, Karl [1926-] c1998

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  • Titre:
    Artistry in Native American myths. Karl Kroeber
  • Auteur: Kroeber, Karl [1926-]
  • Éditeur: Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1998
  • Sujets: Indian mythology -- North America;
    Legends -- North America;
    Animals -- Folklore -- North America;
    Tricksters -- North America;
    Mythologie indienne d'Amérique -- Amérique du Nord;
    Légendes -- Amérique du Nord;
    Légendes indiennes d'Amérique;
    Animaux -- Folklore -- Amérique du Nord
  • Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    Excerpt from Concerning the League (Iroquois) The sand hills (Blackfoot) Pulekukwerek and thunder and blood money (Yurok) Origin of blood money settlement (Yurok) Money eats the sky (Yurok) Pulekulwerek institutes blood money (Yurok) Scarface (Blackfoot) Legend of star boy (Blackfoot) Excerpt from Fools Crow (Blackfoot) The woman who married the bear (Tlingit) The girl and her younger brother (Beaver) Bear man (Cherokee) Star girl (Kiowa) Grizzly woman killed people (Chinook-Clackamas) Trickster tales (Winnebago) Coyote and prairie dogs (Navajo) Coyote and bull (Nez Percé) Wasps catch coyote's head in an old horse skull (Lipan Apache) Blood-clot boy (Sioux-Dakota) What coyote did in this land (Chinook-Wishram) How wolf and coyote went away (Chemehuevi)
  • Contient: Excerpt from Concerning the League (Iroquois) The sand hills (Blackfoot) Pulekukwerek and thunder and blood money (Yurok) Origin of blood money settlement (Yurok) Money eats the sky (Yurok) Pulekulwerek institutes blood money (Yurok) Scarface (Blackfoot) Legend of star boy (Blackfoot) Excerpt from Fools Crow (Blackfoot) The woman who married the bear (Tlingit) The girl and her younger brother (Beaver) Bear man (Cherokee) Star girl (Kiowa) Grizzly woman killed people (Chinook-Clackamas) Trickster tales (Winnebago) Coyote and prairie dogs (Navajo) Coyote and bull (Nez Percé) Wasps catch coyote's head in an old horse skull (Lipan Apache) Blood-clot boy (Sioux-Dakota) What coyote did in this land (Chinook-Wishram) How wolf and coyote went away (Chemehuevi)
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Date d'édition: c1998
  • Identifiant: 0-8032-2737-X ; 0-8032-7785-7
  • Desc. matérielle: xi, 292 p. : ill. ; 23 cm

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