You can search very easily in Primo. Just type one or more words you are looking for and click the Search button.Primo assumes that you are searching for all the words you type unless OR or NOT are specified between the words and phrases.
Once you are familiar with the basic Primo search, you might want to try doing more with the Search panel or use the Advanced Search option. Both of these options offer numerous features for making your searches more precise and enable you to get results that are more useful.You can do more than just a simple search with the Search panel. Try the following search options to get the best results for your search:To search for a phrase, type quotation marks around the phrase. You can combine both words and phrases in your search.If you do not enclose the phrase with quotation marks, the system will find items that contain the individual words in the phrase, regardless of whether these words are located next to each other in the order specified.
You can search for items that contain at least one of the words or phrases you type in the Search box. To do so, type OR between the words or phrases.If you search for words or phrases without specifying OR or NOT, Primo assumes that you are searching for all the specified words or phrases.
For example, to search for items with the word Irish or the word Celtic, type the following in the search box:To use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) within search phrases, you must enter them in uppercase letters. Otherwise, Primo removes them and performs a simple search that includes all search phrases.
You can exclude items that contain specific words or phrases. To do so, type NOT and then type the word or phrase to exclude.If you search for words or phrases without specifying OR or NOT, Primo assumes that you are searching for all the specified words or phrases.
For example, to search for items with the word Celtic and exclude any of these items with the word Irish, type the following in the