Once you are familiar with the basic Primo search, you might want to try doing more with the Search panel or use the Advanced Search option. Both of these options offer numerous features for making your searches more precise and enable you to get results that are more useful.
For example, to search for items with the word Irish or the word
Celtic, type the following in the search box:
For example, to search for items with the word Celtic and exclude any of these items with the word
Irish, type the following in the search box:
?—enter a question mark to perform a single character wildcard search. For example, type wom?n to search for records that contain the strings woman, women, and so forth.
*—enter and asterisk to perform a multiple character wildcard search. For example, type cultur* to search for records that contain strings, such as culture, cultural, and culturally.
You can use parentheses to group terms within a query. For example, to search for
Shakespeare and either
tragedy or
sonnet, type the following in the search box:
The search scope defines where the system should perform the search. A default search scope is predefined based on your login, usually corresponding to your major field of study or some other criteria set up by the institution. However, you can change the scope of your search by selecting a search scope from the drop-down list as shown in the following example.
The Selected Databases scope allows you to search remote databases that you have selected using the Find Databases feature. For information on selecting remote databases, see
Selecting Databases.
Primo Central is a centralized search index that encompasses tens of millions of records of global or regional significance that are harvested from primary and secondary publishers and aggregators. To search from these resources, select the
Primo Central search scope or a search scope that includes it.
If you want to receive results for Primo Central items that do not contain full text, select the Expand beyond library collections check box.
The Browse search allows you to browse library material (local material only) in order to find information of relevance quickly. You can browse material by author, title, and subject. In the results, you can click an underlined entry to see its associated records. It is also possible to browse by call number, which returns a list of associated records in brief format. Clicking a title displays its full record.
To access Browse, click the Browse Search link next to the simple search box, as shown below.
Set alerts for your queries. You can set a query to become an alert, that is, to run automatically and send you email notification once it locates new items answering your search criteria.
Access external licensed resources. The institution offers licensed information resources to its users. Once you sign in, you can search and retrieve items from these additional resources.
Tag and review items. You can assign words or phrases to items to help you organize and locate items later. Since tags are made public, other users can view your tags and use them. Additionally, you can review items to share your opinions with others.
My Account enables you to view the contents of your library card and perform library services, such as renewing a book or canceling a request. In addition, it lets you define your personal Primo settings. To access My Account, click the
My Account link, which appears at the top of each page in Primo.
You can tailor the Primo user interface so that it reflects the way you usually search. For example, you can specify the default language, the maximum numbers of search results per page, your default e-mail address, and your cell phone number. To set your preferences, click the
Personal Settings option on the left side of My Account.
When you select the Star icon for an item in the search results, the system highlights the icon and adds the item to the
Basket folder in e-Shelf.
If you do not want to delete all copies of an item in e-Shelf, you must remove each copy directly from e-Shelf. For more information on removing items from e-Shelf, see
Managing Items.
To view items that are saved in e-Shelf, click the Basket folder or any of its subfolders. From the list of items, click the item that you want to display.
To display the Find Databases lightbox, click the Find Databases link, which appears at the top of each page and to the right of the Search Scope drop-down list on the Advanced Search page.